How to Change Fonts and Color Scheme

Updated on September 6, 2023

You can change the fonts and color scheme for your Affiliate24 theme in just a few clicks.

Doing can go a long way in adapting the theme to match your desired brand.

You can adjust both the fonts and color scheme (alongside a slew of other things) in the WordPress Customizer.

How to change the fonts

First, head down to the WordPress Customizer (when you’re logged in, you can get here from any page on your website).

Then navigate to Colors & Fonts.

Then click on Typography.

Here you’ll be able to change the fonts being used for the entire website (Base Font), but you can also adjust your individual title fonts.

You can also change the font size and weight for your paragraphs and titles, and do so individually for mobile, tablet and desktop.

TIP: If you want to adjust the various font sizes, follow a type scale to ensure your text keeps on looking visually balanced.

How to change the color scheme

In the WordPress customizer you can also adjust the color scheme for your entire website. Various elements in your Affiliate24 theme – such as text and background colors – are linked to a global color palette. This makes it super easy to radically shake up the look and feel of your website in no-time.

You can adjust the color scheme by navigating to WordPress Customizer » Color & Fonts » Colors.

Here you can adjust and switch between 3 different color palettes. We’ve already pre-set 3 different palettes. If you pick the third one for instance, your site will look like this:

But of course you can play around with this yourself and come up with your own unique color palette.