How to Add a Sidebar (Affiliate24 Starter)

Updated on September 6, 2023

You can add a sidebar to your posts with Affiliate24 Starter (PRO) in two different ways:

  1. You can turn a sidebar on by default in the WordPress Customizer
  2. You can turn a sidebar on manually per post

We’ll show you here how to do both.

Turn on a sidebar through the WordPress Customizer

First, head down to the WordPress Customizer (when you’re logged in, you can get here from any page on your website).

Then click on Posts/Pages Layout.

Posts/Pages Layout in WordPress Customizer

Pick now the option Single Post Layout.

Scroll down and select one of the Sidebar options underneath Default Post Layout.

Turn on sidebar in Affiliate24

A sidebar will now show on your posts.

Affiliate Starter with sidebar

Turn on a sidebar manually per post

There are some cases in which you might want to show a sidebar on some posts but not on others.

In these cases it makes sense to turn on a sidebar manually for selected posts.

In order to do this, go to the post editor for the post where you’d like to turn on the featured image.

Then, click on the Post Settings button.

Post settings button within the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Scroll down and click on pick a sidebar layout below Post Layout.

The sidebar will now only show up for that particular post.