Can You Be Successful With Affiliate Marketing Without Social Media?

The short answer: yes, you can be successful at affiliate marketing without social media.

There are loads of affiliate marketers who are doing great without having a single social media follower. The truth is that social media is just one of many ways via which you can earn affiliate sales.

In this article I’ll show you the most common ways to become a successful affiliate marketer without having a social media following at all.

3 ways to be successful with affiliate marketing without a social media following

1. Get traffic organically (SEO)

The most obvious way to earn money through affiliate marketing without social media is via organic search traffic.

Organic search traffic affiliate marketing

Admittedly, it’s a long and strenuous process to rank for competitive, affiliate-friendly keywords (such as “best lawnmower”), but going this route has a few distinct advantages:

  • You don’t need to be an “influencer” to get organic traffic. Everybody can publish helpful, informative content and get it ranking high in search engines like Google.
  • The traffic you haul in is free. As opposed to paid traffic, you bank the entirety of your affiliate commissions without having to account for direct marketing costs.
  • Once the traffic is there, it’s there. Granted, you’ll need to keep your website up-to-date and relevant. But if you do this, you can keep receiving organic traffic with a relatively small effort.
  • If you rely on organic search traffic, you don’t need to build your affiliate business around a persona. Your site and your content can be pretty generic. The advantage of this is that down the line you’ll be able to sell your affiliate business much easier than if you’re a social media influencer. After all, the value of the business comes primarily from the content, not from the person behind it.

To get organic search traffic, you’ll obviously need a website. I built all my websites with WordPress. WordPress is free, easy to use and extremely versatile. All you need to do is pick a hosting provider like Hostinger (if you’re in the US) or Cloud86 (if you’re in Europe), register a domain name, install WordPress, and you’re good to go.

Then it’s time to start writing. Here are a few successful content formats for affiliate marketing:

  • Product roundups. This type of article compares a handful (or more) products side-by-side. They often look something like this: “best sound system for your house”. This is an easy format to get started with, since you don’t have to dive very deep in any of the products to make an article like this.
  • Product review. Zooms in one specific product. Highlights pros and cons, discusses the benefits and in detail describes the product.
  • How-to guides. Explains how to do a certain thing, like setting up a website from scratch. You can then add affiliate links at relevant moments throughout the article, for instance setting up web hosting.

To make affiliate marketing work while relying on organic search isn’t easy. I recommend you study some resources like this website first before you get going. A good place to start is this free affiliate marketing guide for beginners.

After this, make sure to check out my favorite YouTube channels on affiliate marketing to study some more advanced topics.

TIP: Kickstart your affiliate marketing website with an Affiliate24 site theme.

However, while not every person can turn themselves into a social media influencer, everybody can write informative content which answers a search query. Hence, becoming a successful affiliate marketer by relying on search traffic is within reach of anyone who’s willing to put in the work.

2. Buy traffic (SEM or paid social media traffic)

Getting organic traffic from lucrative keywords can take a long time. We’re talking months or in some cases years here. If you don’t want to wait this long, you can always buy traffic to your affiliate site.

Paid search traffic affiliate marketing

Now, this is easier said than done. While you can instantly buy traffic through, say, Google Ads, making these campaigns profitable is another thing. In fact, this strategy will only work if you promote high-ticket affiliate products and have managed to strike a unique deal with the manufacturer, to get higher affiliate commissions.

Let’s say you’re promoting €50 keyboards which people can purchase through Amazon. Amazon’s commission rates are only a few percentage points these days. So, a €50 keyboard will only give you a couple of euros of commission per sale at most. Once you start buying traffic to your site, you’ll quickly find out that the economics don’t make sense.

There are some highly successful affiliate marketers that earn their money primarily through paid traffic, however. If you promote the right product at the right commission rate with the right paid traffic campaigns, this can be a highly lucrative route.

3. Built an email list  

At the end of the day, there’s no way to be in closer contact as an online marketer to your audience than by having an email list. You can build up your email list through your affiliate website and can earn affiliate commissions with it both directly and indirectly.

AWeber homepage email marketing

You can earn affiliate income with it directly by placing affiliate links in your emails. You can earn affiliate income indirectly by directing your readers from your email list to your website.

Both ways are an incredibly powerful way to boost your affiliate income significantly. Hence, if you’re starting a new affiliate website, strongly consider building an email list from day 1.

MailChimp is an example of email marketing software which offers a free plan.

Next steps

In this article I’ve discussed 3 ways in which you can become a successful affiliate marketer without relying on a social media audience.

Many affiliate marketers fly completely under the radar and couldn’t be further removed from being a massive social media influencer.

To learn more about how to start an affiliate website from scratch, check out my affiliate marketing beginners guide. It contains everything you need to get going – from selecting a niche, picking an affiliate program, setting up a website and writing content.

Also, if you’ve got any questions about any of the above, then please drop me a comment below.


  1. Reilly Anderson says:

    Do you need a hosting provider to build a website? What if I want to build a website for free and not use a hosting provider? Can I just download WordPress and get started?

    1. Hi Reilly, any good website needs (paid) web hosting. If you’re going to download WordPress, you’ll need a host from which to serve your site to your visitors. Here are my favorite hosting options. The cheapest option here will cost you a few bucks a month during the first year.

      It is possible to launch a website for free through a website builder like Wix. However, your website will live on a sub-domain ( which doesn’t look professional. On top of that, tools like these are much less versatile than a self-hosted WordPress website.

  2. hey there Joost!
    I have a question too and that is, I have a sub-domain website under, and not
    So, can I launch my existing site via a domain hosting service provider and get started with affiliate marketing? I guess it’s not necessary that I must have a site under, right?

    1. Hey Robbie! You don’t need a site to get started with affiliate marketing, no. You can use any website builder really. Having said that, among serious affiliate marketers is pretty much the default. If you want to get started with affiliate marketing, I recommend you go for a self-hosted WordPress site.

      I recommend not building a site on a sub-domain as you’ll have a hard time ranking it, and getting visitors to take the website seriously.

  3. Hey there Joost!
    Well, then can I fill my site with articles for the time being, and later transfer them to

    Will I face trouble transferring articles from .com to .org?

    I saw someone on Youtube suggesting it.

    1. You could, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Why? Well, by building your site via from day 1, the domain you’re using will start to age and become more trustworthy in the eyes of Google.

      If you know you want to use in the end anyway, there’s no reason to first use It will just cause you more time and hassle and then there’s the opportunity cost of not having your domain name age.

      1. Oh! that was really great! Thank you so much! I appreciate it.

  4. Janai Nicholas says:

    Hi! Is there anyway to start for completely free? I wanted to start blogging and add affiliate marketing into that but I say that you mentioned not using wix because of the subdomain. What would you recommend doing as a beginner?

    Also on average how long would it take to get enough traffic to make my first $100?

    1. Hi Janai, if you’re not going to rely on social media you need a website with a domain and that costs money. There’s no way around it. The good news is that with a provider like Cloud86 this will cost you +-$25 per year for the hosting and around $10 a year for a domain name. I personally host all of my websites with these guys so can vouch for their quality.

      All good WordPress themes and plugins have a free version:

      – Theme: Kadence
      – Blocks plugin: Kadence Blocks
      – SEO plugin: Rank Math
      – Caching plugin: LiteSpeed
      – Affiliate links management: Pretty Links

      Re tech stack that’s all you need to get started as a beginner and you’ll pay around $35 for a full year.

      It’s very doable to make your first $100 in a month anywhere between 3 and 6 months, assuming you’re super consistent and spending as much as you can writing content, and learning about SEO and affiliate marketing.

  5. Hi Joost,
    Question. I’m very interested in doing this however when I apply to get an affiliate link I’m denied because I don’t have any social media followers/ own website. Is there any companies out there that will just give you a link without having to apply for one?
    Thanks so much! Amy

    1. Hi Amy, you got to have one or the other. If you don’t have a social media following, you got to have a website.

      How are you planning to promote your affiliate link if not through a website (or social media)?

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